Downtime with Greg Johnson

Unwinding with the program administrator of the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program

Spotlight: Micro-Chasm

Oregon’s microfluidics
Tech Hub joins academic and industry partners to help small fluids make a big leap.

Published in Categories Tech

Locking It Down

Security platform HiddenLayer offers protection for AI systems.

Published in Categories Tech

AI Is Here to Stay. What Are Its Promises? What Are the Threats?

Oregon Business convened a group of thought leaders in the field to talk about what we know (and don’t know) about artificial intelligence — and what business leaders and policymakers should be thinking about as the tech accelerates.

Published in Categories Tech

Shattered Glass

Oregon’s glass bottle recycling rates may be some of the highest in the nation, but with the state’s only glass recycling plant temporarily shuttered, where is the rest of our used glass being carted off to? And is glass recycling as green as environmentalists once thought?