Sub-$2 gas prevalent across US

CNN: Thirteen states tout gas for less than $2 a gallon. Two weeks ago, there was only one station in the country selling gas at that price.

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CNN: Thirteen states tout gas for less than $2 a gallon. Two weeks ago, there was only one station in the country selling gas at that price.

Gas below $2 a gallon can only be found at a handful of stations in all these states, even in Oklahoma. Four of the states only have one station each with gas that cheap. All these states still have statewide averages well above $2 according to AAA. Missouri has the lowest average price at $2.25.

And with the statewide average in New York finally falling below $3 over the weekend, every state in the lower 48 now has an average below that benchmark. The nationwide average is now $2.55 a gallon, the lowest it has been since October 2009.

Read more here.

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