Greenpeace slams Facebook plans

Greenpeace criticizes Facebook’s new Prineville location for plans to be partly coal-powered.

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Environmental group Greenpeace has spoken out against Facebook’s energy plans for its new Prineville location, which include getting power from PacifiCorp – a utility that generates part of its electricity from coal.

The group points out that a Yahoo data center near Buffalo, N.Y. is powered instead by a hydroelectric dam. Greenpeace has launched a Facebook group opposing the Prineville plans.

“Yes, coal — that 19th century technology, which happens to be the dirtiest source of energy and biggest contributor to global warming — will be burned in ever greater amounts with each photo shared and status update posted, unless Facebook changes its plans,”  writes Greenpeace’s Daniel Kessler in a commentary on The Huffington Post…

“It is simply untrue to say that we chose coal as a source of power…Every data center plugs into the grid offered by their utility or power provider” Facebook has responded. “In selecting Oregon, we chose a region that offers a uniquely dry and temperate climate.”

Read the full story at USA Today.

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