Hillsboro business park bounces back

After struggling through the economic downturn, the Tanasbourne West Annex in Hillsboro is rapidly filling up.

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After struggling through the economic downturn, the Tanasbourne West Annex in Hillsboro is rapidly filling up.

The boom, the bust, and the rebirth is noticeable for city planners, brokers and new and longtime tenants alike. Today, businesses are eager to move into the complex thanks to its proximity to thousands of Intel employees and hungry patrons frequenting the nearby Gordon Faber Recreation Complex.

For years the complex was largely vacant because a retail building boom in Tanasbourne and surrounding areas and steep rental prices coincided with the economic downturn, according to Mark Banta, broker with Commercial Realty Advisers Northwest.

“Through the recession we lost every tenant in the center except for the body piercing,” Banta said.

Read more at OregonLive.com.


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