Eileen Brady says healthcare contributions won’t affect her decisions

Portland mayoral candidate Eileen Brady has received $42,630 from the healthcare industry, but she insists the contributions won’t influence her decisions if elected.

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Portland mayoral candidate Eileen Brady has received $42,630 from the healthcare industry, but she insists the contributions won’t influence her decisions if elected.


In an interview with The Lund Report, Brady insisted that if elected mayor, her healthcare decisions would be based on how to bring the most cost-effective, high quality and accessible healthcare to everyone in Portland, “not on where my campaign contributions came from.”

“As the former vice chair of the Oregon Health Fund Board, I helped bring hospitals, doctors, labor, business and community activists together to develop the Oregon’s Healthy Kids program, which expanded healthcare to 94,000 Oregon kids. I will bring this same strong leadership on healthcare to City Hall – an approach of getting all the key stakeholders to work together to lower cost, increase quality and expand access. “

Read more at The Lund Report.

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