Portland adds six new mini urban renewal districts

Portland Mayor Sam Adams announced that six small business areas will participate in the Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative.

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Portland Mayor Sam Adams announced that six small business areas will participate in the Neighborhood Prosperity Initiative.


The areas will essentially become small urban renewal districts, receiving public funds and raising private capital for structural improvements to increase business. They were selected through a community-driven process that included establishing steering committees, holding meetings to determine boundaries, conducting mailings and other public outreach, translating documents into many different languages, and hold small and large meetings to explain and develop a program to meet each district’s unique needs.

The six areas include stretches of Northeast 42nd Avenue, Northeast Cully Boulevard, the Parkrose neighborhood, and the Rosewood neighborhood. Two stretches of Southeast Division Street are also included. One is from 117th to 148th Avenue, and the the is around Division and 82nd Avenue.

Read more at The Portland Tribune.

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