Oregon Ballet Theatre dances around cash problems

Following its bailout this year, the nonprofit’s money problems take another twist.

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The Oregon Ballet Theatre asked for an immediate bailout in May, blaming its problems on the recession and a December 2008 snowstorm that hurt ticket sales.

Then came the rescue. OBT’s landlord at Keller Auditorium and the Newmark Theatre, the Metropolitan Exposition Recreation Commission, cut OBT’s user fees by $105,000. Dancers from across the country performed for free at a gala show June 12 to help. And with Adams’ aid, OBT supporters rallied to raise $853,000 to bail out the 20-year-old ballet, at least for the time being.

Now, according to a scathing letter WW obtained last week, another unsettling plot line has emerged about an institution that has powerful allies in the arts community and political circles.

Read the full story at Willamette Week.

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