Amazon discloses gender pay gap data

REUTERS: Findings revealed women earned 99.9 cents for every dollar that men earned.

Share this article! Inc, under pressure from an activist shareholder to disclose its policies on gender pay equality, said on Wednesday its female employees earned as much as their male counterparts, according to a survey it recently conducted.

…Amazon, which estimates that women made up 39 percent of its global workforce and 24 percent of managers as of July, said a review of compensation including both base pay and stock compensation found that women earned 99.9 cents for every dollar that men earned in the same jobs. The survey, which was conducted by an external labor economist, covered Amazon workers at various levels of the company’s organization in the United States. “There will naturally be slight fluctuations from year to year, but at Amazon we are committed to keeping compensation fair and equitable,” the company said in a statement.

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