The $184,000 almond caper

OREGONLIVE.COM: Trucker takes off with trailer filled with 42,000 pounds of almonds.

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OREGONLIVE.COM: Trucker takes off with trailer filled with 42,000 pounds of almonds.

The almonds never made it to their intended destination — Bridgetown Natural Foods in Southeast Portland, where the company makes granola bars, cookies and other snacks. And that has prompted Bridgetown to file a $184,000 lawsuit for the value of the almonds against SunnyGem — the Californian company that it says released the almonds to the unknown driver — and Left Coast Logistics, the Lake Oswego company that Bridgetown contracted with to haul the nuts to Portland.

The unidentified driver appears to have carried out the theft by tapping into some inside information.

Read the story here.

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