Coolest Cooler delivers to its 60K+ backers

Portland entrepreneur delivers product to first round of customers.

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After an incredibly successful Kickstarter campaign and delay in production, the Coolest Cooler has been delivered to its first wave of customers.

Founder Ryan Grepper reflected on a year that included a crowdfunding campaign yielding 62,642 backers and more than $13 million in investment at TechFestNW last week.

Now that it’s done, he alluded to future Coolest brand products. He wouldn’t get into specifics, but wants to develop high-quality products designed to get people interacting with each other and the outdoors.

“(The) focus is on quality without compromise in the outdoor space,” he said of future ideas. “I want to solve the problem in the best way possible instead of (based) on a price point.”

(SOURCE: Portland Business Journal)

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