Launch, Startup Tip and Where They Are Now

Society Nine muscles into women’s gear, Steve Morris advises startups to validate product with customers and RapidMade quadruples staff.

Published in Categories Tech

Power to the People: Launch, Startup Tip and Where They Are Now

Vanessa Van Edwards was studying international relations at Emory University and planning a career working for the state department as a translator and communicator when she decided she wanted to do something different: Start a human behavior research company.

Big Baby: Launch, Startup Tip and Where They are Now

Babies are a miracle of nature. They are also a budding market for entrepreneurs in the smart-tech market. And BabyBit, a sensor that attaches to an infant’s clothes, takes child care to its logical, connected-future extreme.

Published in Categories Tech

Launch: Sweat Equity

Sunscreen startup sets its sights on high performance athletes.

Launch: Greening the foundation, startup tips, where they are now

 Greening the Foundation As a child growing up in rural Indiana, Doug Krause witnessed what would become the inspiration for an innovative new wind-energy technology. Week after week, he watched workers pour concrete foundations to form a base for wind turbines on a local wind farm. “That was a eureka — sitting in a corn … Read more