Information About Each of Our 100 Best Nonprofits Survey Report Packages

If your organization participated in the 100 Best survey, you’re well aware of the precious time and energy staff invested in it. Get detailed feedback and data to help illuminate your nonprofit’s best practices according to its most discerning judges, the employees and volunteers who work there. And be sure to share survey results with them.

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Survey results for participating organizations



If your organization participated in the 100 Best survey, you’re well aware of the precious time and energy staff invested in it. Get detailed feedback and data to help illuminate your nonprofit’s best practices according to its most discerning judges, the employees and volunteers who work there. And be sure to share survey results with them.


I. BASIC — How satisfied is your staff?

This “at a glance” report shows you:

a. Overall satisfaction scores for these categories: work environment, management and communications, mission and goals, career development and learning, and sustainable practices. b. Charts of employees/volunteers’ average satisfaction ratings on 30 workplace qualities, from benefits to trust in management.

COST:  $125

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This package includes:

a. The Basic report (above)
b. Your employees/volunteers’ anonymous write-in responses to the questions:
What about your organization makes it great? and
What about your organization would you like to improve?

$325 – Fewer than 50 Oregon employees
$525 – More than 50 Oregon employees

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III. COMPREHENSIVE — How does your nonprofit stack up?

This deluxe package provides you with:

a. Overall satisfaction scores for each of six employee survey categories
b. Employee Comments report
c. Comparative charts showing (1) how satisfied your employees/volunteers are with the 30 workplace qualities and (2) how important those qualities are to them
d. Charts showing how your employees/volunteers’ 30 ratings compare to your choice of: a) all the participants in the survey b) the 100 Best Nonprofits c) the top 33/34 nonprofits in your size category in terms of (1) satisfaction and (2) importance.
e. A comparison of your organization’s benefits with those of the 100 Best Nonprofits and all participants, based on responses to the Employer Benefits survey

$800 – Small Nonprofits
(0-19 Oregon employees)
$900 – Medium Nonprofits (20-49 Oregon employees)
$1,000 – Large Nonprofits (50 or more Oregon employees)

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IV. SPECIALIZED — peer group, distribution and demographic data

These supplemental reports are available only with purchase of the Comprehensive package:

a. Industry Comparison: Compares your organization’s satisfaction and importance ratings to those of all participating organizations within your type of organization. Choose from: advocacy, arts and culture, association, community development, education, energy/efficiency, environment, health, housing, research, social service, workforce, youth, 100 Best Nonprofits, Top 33/34 Large, Medium or Small Nonprofits.
COST:   $600
b. Distribution report: Shows what percentage of your employees each satisfaction- and importance- rating option (scale of -3 to +3) in the 30 statements of the survey. Provides view of how the majority of employees responded to each statement.
COST:   $600
c. Demographic report: Charts of the 30 workplace qualities in terms of satisfaction and importance, showing the breakdown of a specific demographic category— occupation, years employed, age, gender, educational level or ethnic background.
COST:   $600 per demographic category
d. Multi-year report: Charts of the 30 workplace qualities in terms of satisfaction and importance, comparing them year to year.
2021-23:   $750
         2020-23:   $1,000
2019-23:   $1,250

NOTE: If you are interested in a custom report or have any other questions, please contact Craig Peebles, 100 Best Project Manager, at [email protected] or 503.445.8824.