Financial planning: Preparing for partnership

Sarah joined her firm shortly after graduating from law school. Her commitment to the company generates a good income and has enabled her to develop her practice specialty. She and her husband have been married for two years and last year became first-time homeowners.


Software publishing sector appears promising

{safe_alt_text}Oregon’s software publishers produce software for banking, payroll, human resources, casinos, computer games and operating systems, to name just a few examples. In the late ’90s, software publishers experienced rapid employment growth while paying wages significantly higher than those of other industries.



The annual CEO pay list is researched and prepared by Watson Wyatt Worldwide. RANK CEO, age Company Total Salary Bonus Stock award (3) No. of sec- urities under -lying options Options award All other comp- ensation $ change in total comp- ensation from 2005 (4) % change in total comp- ensation from 2005 ’06(1) ’05 … Read more

Of tempests and teapots


So much for my hopes of a quiet, languid summer, puttering around the garden, dipping my toes into cool waters, writing a small this or that with nary a concern. Better I should wish for a Blazers championship.