Lawmaker proposes mascot exceptions

Opponents of a proposal to ban American Indian names and images from high school mascots support Rep. Sherrie Sprenger’s idea to allow waivers.

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Opponents of a proposal to ban American Indian names and images from high school mascots support Rep. Sherrie Sprenger’s idea to allow waivers.

The waivers would let districts work out a mutually acceptable mascot with local tribes.

The Oregon Board of Education is considering a rule that would strip state funding from any school or district that continues to use a Native American mascot after July 1, 2017. The rule defines “mascot” as any name, symbol or image that depicts or refers to an American Indian tribe, individual, custom or tradition.

In Lebanon’s case, the name “Warrior” would be allowed as long as it was not combined with an image associated with an American Indian.

Read more at The Albany Democrat-Herald.

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