Kitzhaber concerned about health care, education reforms

Gov. John Kitzhaber is concerned that health care and education reforms are being stalled by partisan politics.

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Gov. John Kitzhaber is concerned that health care and education reforms are being stalled by partisan politics.

The Democratic governor provided for the first time a glimpse of what’s been going on behind closed doors for the past week as Republican and Democratic legislative leaders negotiate which bills will be allowed to move forward in the session’s waning days. 

One of the governor’s health reform bills — setting up coordinated care organizations for people on the Oregon Health Plan — was dislodged Wednesday and set for a final floor vote as early as today.

But Kitzhaber said he asked House Co-Speaker Bruce Hanna point-blank Wednesday about his other health care bill and two education reform bills that have been bottled up in committee for weeks. “I said, ‘I just need to know, can you assure me that those bills are going to get to the floor?’ He said, ‘I can’t give you that assurance right now. They’re tied up with other unrelated issues.'”


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