Oregon wind power gains velocity

1011_OregonWindPower_DataburstOregon spins seventh among U.S. states for electrical generating capacity from wind power, just a puff behind Washington, according to a report from the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA).

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Oregon spins seventh among U.S. states for electrical generating capacity from wind power, just a puff behind Washington, according to a report from the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA). Still, the state generates less than a quarter the output of the far-and-away wind-power leader, Texas. Yet in the second quarter of 2011, Oregon installed 201 megawatts (MW) more capacity, surpassed only by California which installed 420 MW. An additional 945 MW are under construction in Oregon, more than any other state. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration in 2008, the most recent data available, just 6% of the state’s total electricity was generated from wind. But year-to-date through April, Oregon generated 1.5 million MW from wind, a 37% increase over 2010. However, the AWEA warns that expiration of tax credits and other changes in government policy may stall expansion of wind power projects.


Brandon Sawyer