Bend airport businesses debated

A software biz based at Bend’s airport sparks debate over what businesses belong there.

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Paladin Data Corp., based at Bend Municipal Airport, is looking into further development at its hangar headquarters. But issues have arisen over what businesses should be operating at the airport.

For about a decade, owner Dan Nesmith and his wife, Judie, leased space at the Bend airport so they could fly to some of their distant clients to install and service the systems. At the time, they ran the business from their home. Clients are now as far away as the southern tip of Florida and northern Vermont, Nesmith said…

Nesmith wants to build offices in the hangar where Paladin Data is located, and when he went to the county to request a permit last year, he said county staff told him he needed a conditional-use permit to operate an aviation-related business at the airport. “He needs the conditional-use permit just to be operating out there,” said county Senior Planner Anthony Raguine on Thursday. Bend Municipal Airport is east of the city limits, so the county handles land use approval there.

Read the full story at The Bulletin.

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