Downtime with Nagi Naganathan

Jason E. Kaplan

What the president of Oregon Institute of Technology does to unwind.

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What I am reading

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success by Dr. Carol Dweck. It reminds me that all of us can continue to learn and grow, and by so doing, also help our organizations and our people – in our case, particularly our students – thrive and succeed.

What I am watching

Past episodes of The Big Bang Theory. It’s all about highly intelligent geeks chaotically negotiating the ‘normal’ world all around them, all in good humor.

What I am listening to

A lot more Eastern classical music – always an instant way to take me back to my roots in India.

Must-have gadget

My smartphone, of course. What did we ever do without these things? Ah, now I remember — we spoke with each other more.

What I do outside of work

I enjoy outdoor photography, particularly wildlife photography. Klamath Falls is the perfect venue for capturing the beauty of Southern Oregon, often right from my backyard.

Fondest memory of growing up

Love and affection of my family of 11; and the smells and sounds of my father’s dusty print shop, where I learned the basics of business, customer service and caring about the people you work with.

Favorite place to vacation

African wilderness. I have great memories from my trips to Botswana, Kenya and Tanzania a few years ago, seeing nature at its best.

What motivates me to come to work

The beneficial and lasting impact on our students’ lives. While I’ve worked closely with students now for almost 40 years, their intellect and innovation continue to amaze and motivate me to do better.

The biggest challenge of leading a higher education institution

Addressing the social disconnect – continued questioning of the value of higher education despite the proven return on investment.

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