Golden Temple lawsuit to continue

A Multnomah County judge refused to throw out the Golden Temple lawsuit, and moved the court date to April 2011.

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Multnomah County Circuit Court Judge Leslie Roberts refused to throw out the Golden Temple lawsuit, but insisted the allegations become more narrowly focused.

The religious leaders of the Sikh community founded by Yogi Bhajan filed charges against their business leaders six months ago.

The religious leaders alleged, among other things, that the business leaders had failed to safeguard the religious community’s assets by restructuring Golden Temple, a Eugene natural foods manufacturer long held by the Sikh community, so that it’s now owned by a handful of Golden Temple managers, including CEO Kartar Singh Khalsa.

Judge Leslie Roberts dismissed parts of the lawsuit, but not the whole thing. Left standing was the claim of “breach of fiduciary duty” — that the business leaders failed to protect the assets held in trust for the religious community.

Read more at the Register Guard.

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