Simple to depart Pearl District

Online banking company will join a new development in the Central Eastside Industrial District.

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Online banking company Simple will join a new development in the Central Eastside Industrial District.

The move coincides with a decision to grow from about 300 to 500 employees.

Since Simple was acquired by Spanish bank BBVA last year it has tripled in size and is seeing 10 percent month-over-month customer growth, said Krista Berlincourt, Simple’s communications lead. If Simple was a traditional bank, she noted, it would have 850 branches and 5,600 branch employees.

The building, called Clay Creative, is being developed by Killian Pacific, and Simple is working with the architecture firm Hacker. The neighborhood has historically been an industrial zone and it’s that heritage and those neighbors that made it appealing to Simple.

(SOURCE: Portland Business Journal)

Simple’s Alex Payne recently wrote a note to tech entrepreneurs from the Bay Area, warning them that when they move here they affect housing prices and the cost of living.

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