FLIR: War zone to oil spill

The Gulf Coast oil spill has opened a new market for a Wilsonville company that produces night-vision equipment.

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Wilsonville’s FLIR produces night vision equipment often used in war zones, but the oil spill has opened a new market for the 1,900 employee company.

The company’s infrared cameras are being used in the Gulf of Mexico to see oil in water that human eyes can’t detect.

While the flood of Gulf business appears to be lucrative for FLIR, [Andy Teich, president of commercial systems] says that in the big picture, money from camera buyers in the Gulf wouldn’t make much dent in the company’s bottom line. But the interest from the private sector—including those working in the Gulf’s soiled waters— has put some cameras on backlog and have kept store shelves empty while the company rushes to fill dealers’ orders.

A rough calculation of what the company says it has sold so far puts FLIR’s revenues from the oil spill at upward of $100,000.

Read more at the Willamette Week.
