Oregonians will be unaffected by SCOTUS Obamacare decision

THE BEND BULLETIN: The U.S. Supreme Court’s upcoming decision on the Affordable Care Act will not affect low-income Oregonians.

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THE BEND BULLETIN: The U.S. Supreme Court’s upcoming decision on the Affordable Care Act will not affect low-income Oregonians.

Opponents of the law argue in King v. Burwell that nearly 6.4 million people in 34 states that didn’t create their own marketplaces aren’t eligible for the subsidies that help those people pay for their monthly premiums because the 2010 law doesn’t explicitly say so.

The court’s upcoming ruling creates a potential dilemma for Oregon, which tried and failed to create a website where residents could buy insurance. After spending more than $300 million and months trying to revive its website, the state sent Oregonians to HealthCare.gov, and the Legislature in February voted to fold Cover Oregon into another agency.

Read the story here.

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