Shoe factory workers in Vietnam strike

BLOOMBERG: Company that makes Nike and Adidas shoes has factory strike over change in pension rules.

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BLOOMBERG: Company that makes Nike and Adidas shoes has factory strike over change in pension rules.

The new pension rules will stop many workers from being eligible for lump-sum social insurance payments when they leave a company, delaying payouts until they retire. Workers have said they are concerned the money may not be there in the future. Vietnam’s Communist government restricts large, unsanctioned gatherings, particularly ones aimed at it.

“None of us has a house,” striking worker Nguyen Van Thu, 28, said outside the gates of the shoe factory. “When we can’t work, we want to get our social insurance all at once so we can build a house for the family. We struggle to make a living. We have to pay for all kinds of insurance, and we’re afraid we’ll lose it under the new law.”

Read the story here.

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