Netflix doesn’t affect how much TV people watch

CNET: Netflix’s new content isn’t making a difference in how much television people watch on the 28 main networks, a new study shows.

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CNET: Netflix’s new content isn’t making a difference in how much television people watch on the 28 main networks, a new study shows.

“Our data show that Netflix is not currently a substitute for traditional television, but offers a way for TV lovers to watch more of the kinds of programs they love,” said Mark Lieberman, chief of the TiVo research unit.

That should be welcome news to programmers and Netflix alike. The streaming site’s push into original content raised concerns about competing against the content creators it relies on for the bulk of its library. But at this early stage, and while attempts at original content are still nascent from the likes of Amazon and Hulu, it seems as though traditional TV has little to fear about its audience evacuating online en masse.

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