Bike plan hits manhole

The Portland Utility Review Board says sewer funds should not be used for the bike plan.

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Portland Mayor Sam Adams is proposing drawing $20 million from sewer funds to help support the city’s $600 million bicycle master plan.

Adams argues that more than $15 million of those funds can come from recession-generated savings on sewer projects.

A subcommittee of the Portland Utility Review Board is recommending that the full board vote against Adams’ plan. The recommendation approved last week says building so-called Bike Boulevards is “not a core component of sewer service and should not be funded by rate payers.”

The council approved the Bicycle Plan for 2030 in February to increase bicycling and decrease motor vehicle use. It is estimated to cost at least $600 million but does not have a dedicated source of revenue. When the council passed the plan, Adams promised to find $20 million to kick start it within 30 days.

Read the full story at the Portland Tribune.

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