Texas firm investigated

The state is investigating a Texas trucking company and an Oregon nonprofit for abusing the Business Energy Tax Credits.

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The state is investigating Texas trucking company Mesilla Valley Transportation for the 752 separate tax credits it received under the Business Energy Tax Credit, as well as an Oregon nonprofit that helped Mesilla receive the credits.

Mesilla received $4.5 million worth of credits, yet provides few Oregon jobs. Its long-haul rigs also run less than 1% of their miles on Oregon roads.

The tax credits are supposed to go to trucking companies that provide jobs in Oregon, generate “substantial energy savings” and drive on state roads.

[The Oregonian] also found a close connection between the trucking company and Cascade Sierra Solutions, a nonprofit that served as a broker between Mesilla Valley and Oregon’s energy tax incentive program. In addition to helping the Texas truckers snare Oregon tax dollars, Cascade Sierra Solutions has claimed energy tax credits worth $1.5 million for leasing energy-saving equipment to other truckers.

Read the full story at OregonLive.com.

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