Prius recall hits area dealers

Local dealers work overtime as Toyota’s latest round of recalls expands to the Prius.

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Toyota’s latest recall includes the 2010 Prius model, following concerns over faulty anti-lock brake systems.

Toyota has now had recalls for four separate issues since September, and dealers in Prius-loving Portland are working overtime to accommodate customers.

Many metro-area dealers had just started receiving the necessary parts Friday and begun scheduling repairs this week for earlier recalls when phones began ringing in earnest Tuesday morning. Sales staff — shifted over when Toyota halted sales of some recalled models — are now greeting customers in service bays. Mechanics are working late- or overnight shifts to make the parts and computer tweaks that can take as long as two hours to install.

The recalls have shaken a company long defined by its reliability and safety. The crisis prompted Toyota’s president to write an apologetic opinion piece in Tuesday’s Washington Post asserting that 80 percent of its cars sold in the U.S. are still on the road.

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