Nike announces support for gay marriage in Oregon

Nike donated $280,000 to the campaign to overturn Oregon’s ban on same-sex marriage.

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Nike donated $280,000 to the campaign to overturn Oregon’s ban on same-sex marriage.

“Nike is fully supportive of the initiative to create marriage equality so all our employees are treated fairly and with respect in the workplace and the community,” according to the Nike Equality PAC website. “We believe that diversity drives innovation, and allows us to attract and retain world class talent. For Oregon businesses to attract and retain the best talent, we need fair and equitable laws that treat all Oregonians equally and prevent discrimination.”

Nike was one of the first companies to extend benefits to same-sex couples nearly 20 years ago. In 2005, the company supported efforts to pass Oregon legislation aimed at creating civil unions for same-sex couples.

Read more at The Statesman Journal.