VocalBooth to star on American Idol

0111_ATS02Niche manufacturer VocalBooth has landed some major endorsements over the past few years: Sheryl Crow, Dave Matthews Band, Madonna, Mariah Carey, even the one-and-only Lady Gaga. But those names pale in comparison to the company’s latest publicity tool, a little reality show called American Idol.

Tip pool ruling cuts restaurant costs

0111_ATS01A recent ruling by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that allows food service employers in Oregon and Washington to require employees to participate in a “tip pool” is being welcomed by the industry but not some workers.

Raghu Raghavan keeps Act-On local

0111_ATS04Raghu Raghavan was building web apps before there were web apps, and selling software-as-a-service before there was SaaS. A native of Bangalore, India, who came to Oregon to join the then-tiny team at Mentor Graphics in 1983, Raghavan plans to build his new email marketing company, Act-On, from a dozen employees to more than 30 by the end of 2011. And he plans to do so in Oregon, not Silicon Valley.

Study examines mushroom habitat

0111_ATS13Mushroom harvester camps in the Crescent Ranger District, which collectively rival the population of nearby towns, are weighing in on how forests are managed in an effort to protect the country’s top-producing Matsutake area.