

A partnership between Willamette University and Wellesley, Mass.-based Babson College will bring executive education programs to Willamette’s new Pearl District MBA education center.




One of the equity partners in the liquid natural gas terminal project Port Westward LNG backed out but Greg Jenks, deputy director for the Port of St. Helens, which manages Port Westward, says the project is very much going forward.



A new U.S. Department of Agriculture rule limiting the amount of milk that small dairies can handle and produce forced Mallorie’s Dairy to slash its production by one-third, reducing its herd from 1,900 to 1,200 cows.




A three-week course being launched this month by Umpqua Community College is designed to prepare students for a professional career in the logging industry.




The Ashland City Council voted last month to keep its debt-mired Ashland Fiber Network but charge all but low-income households between $10 and $21 per month for its basic Internet and television services.


Oregon Coast

The state’s fishing industry and coastal fishing communities will face an economic loss of $40 million if a recommendation to close both the commercial and sport salmon fishing season is approved in April.




The Port of Astoria has announced an $11 million financing commitment from the Oregon Economic and Community Development Department for the Bornstein Seafoods fish processing plant, which was completed in March at Pier 2.