Oregon lawmakers protest federal cuts to rural counties

Oregon lawmakers are protesting federal demands that financially distressed counties must return $3.6 million in federal payments.

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Oregon lawmakers are protesting federal demands that financially distressed counties must return $3.6 million in federal payments.

The action is the latest flare-up in the long-running battle over federal spending and the first time sparsely populated areas like Curry, Josephine and Douglas counties in Oregon have emerged as battlegrounds. It has also united Democrats and Republicans across the West.

“I’ve joined 30 of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to tell them to stop this ridiculous action,” said Rep. Greg Walden, R-Ore. “The federal government gave this money to counties because they won’t let us manage our forests, but now they want the money back? Instead of cutting funding, we should be cutting trees.”

Read more at OregonLive.com.

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