NYT amps up pay wall

The New York Times is upping its pay wall guidelines, and now will allow non-subscribers to access only 10 free articles before having to pay for content.

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The New York Times is upping its pay wall guidelines, and now will allow non-subscribers to access only 10 free articles before having to pay for content.

Previously, users of the Times’ digital properties were allowed to access 20 free articles. The change will go into effect in the beginning of April. The company said that the change will “continue to allow for access to a generous amount of free content on the Web site and across multiple digital platforms.”

New York Times Company chairman and chief executive officer, Arthur Sulzberger, Jr., said of the pay wall, “We knew that readers placed a high value on our journalism, and we anticipated they would respond positively to our digital subscription packages. Our commitment to all of our subscribers, both print and digital, is that we will continue to invest in and evolve our journalism and our products, and we will remain a source of trustworthy news, information and high-quality opinion for many years to come.”

Read more at The Huffington Post.

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