Mattress World closing after 15 years

Portland-based Mattress World is closing after 15 years, due to the recession and an unexpected $2 million tax bill from Washington.

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Portland-based Mattress World is closing after 15 years, except for two locations in Canby and Northeast Portland that are independently operated.

Hiner said her company collapsed under the one-two punch of the recession and an unexpected $2 million tax bill from the state of Washington. Hiner, who had been featured in her company’s commercials through the years along with her family, began a series of liquidation sales in mid-November but maintained through early December that she was simply holding an aggressive sale to help her business get back on track.

Hiner said she was dinged by the state of Washington for selling and delivering mattresses to Washington residents without collecting sales taxes. Hiner, who said the state audited her files back to 2003, said she wasn’t aware she had to collect sales taxes if she didn’t have a physical store in that state.


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