McCabe heads OECDD

As expected for months, Gov. Ted Kulongoski has ordered a reorganization of the Oregon Economic Community Development Department.


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SALEM As expected for months, Gov. Ted Kulongoski has ordered a reorganization of the Oregon Economic Community Development Department. But the announcement will probably mean little to those outside of the department in the coming months.

OECDD will spend much of this year meeting with economic stakeholders around the state, determining the details of how to shift its focus to business development, with community development playing an adjunct role. The department will update the governor in August and will have final reorganization plans ready for approval by the 2009 Legislature.

As part of the reorganization, Kulongoski has replaced OECDD director Bob Repine with Tim McCabe, who, as the governor’s senior economic policy adviser, played a major role in planning for the reorganization. Repine worked as department director since February 2006 and will now serve as the governor’s special assistant to mental health hospital construction.

To read Oregon Business’ April story on the possible benefits and drawbacks to reshaping the department and earlier attempts to reorganize OECDD, go to


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