Kitzhaber urges Legislature to pass job growth package

Gov. John Kitzhaber urged the state Legislature to pass bills on his economic agenda aimed at creating jobs.

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Gov. John Kitzhaber urged the state Legislature to pass bills on his economic agenda aimed at creating jobs.

Kitzhaber was flanked at a news conference Tuesday by business and labor leaders who joined together to support the economic proposals.

Kitzhaber, in his fifth month as the state’s only three-term governor, used the occasion to urge lawmakers to act on 15 items that he hopes will lay the groundwork for future growth. Some involve funding of economic development programs and targeted tax breaks; others are direct spending on transportation projects and weatherization of school buildings.

“We clearly can and must do more,” he said. “We have the opportunity this session to build on this strong start to create family-wage jobs, attract new investment and revitalize hard-hit communities … I am convinced that if we continue to focus on education and training, improve job-creation strategies and invest in innovation, we can and will create a prosperous and sustainable future for Oregon.”


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