I-84 poplar farm is nation’s largest

The expansive Greenwood Resources poplar tree farm near I-84 in Boardman is the nation’s largest irrigated tree farm.

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The expansive Greenwood Resources poplar tree farm is a familiar site to motorists traveling Interstate 84.

However, motorists can only see a small slice of the 25,000 acre farm that grows 7.5 million trees, making it the largest contiguous irrigated tree farm in the United States.

But more than a passing curiosity and a home for wildlife, the farm is a dynamic, sophisticated operation, complete with a sawmill, planer and dry kiln with a production capacity of 100 million board-feet a year.

Greenwood Resources, which purchased the tree farm in May 2007, operates the farm with an eye toward sustainability and profit.

“That balance is built into everything we do,” said Don Rice, Greenwood’s resource manager.

Read more at Capital Press.

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