PSU students create proposal for undeveloped site

A group of Portland State graduate students created a project proposal for 21 acres of undeveloped land in Portland’s industrial center.

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A group of Portland State graduate students created a project proposal for 21 acres of undeveloped land in Portland’s industrial center.

The site would include 2,250 units of rental housing,  200 condominium units, 400,000 square feet of new office space, a Target and New Seasons.

The site is divided into 16 city blocks, bordered by Northwest Thurman and Pettygrove Streets and Northwest 20th and 22nd Avenues. The plan is to turn the site into a thriving mixed-use neighborhood that accounts for the diverse urbanites who live and work in the area. Con-way employs about 700 people; however, the company currently only uses about 400,000 square feet of office space-the rest is parking space.

“The scale of the site was pretty daunting and it took us a while to come up with a general plan,” said Jason Clough, a team member. “Also, trying to balance the needs of all the different parties-the landowner, the city, the local neighborhood and the business community-was a challenge.”

Read more at the Vanguard.

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