Oregon meat shareholders react to WHO report

Study linking certain meats with cancer doesn’t surprise official from Northwest Food Processors Association.

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It was the study that rocked the meat-eating world: the World Health Organization revealed red- and processed-meats have a link to cancer.

But for an official from the Northwest Food Processor, it wasn’t surprising.

“I don’t think it’s ground-breaking science to hear that if you eat a ton of red meat, there’s a better food you can put in your body,” said Ian Tolleson, director of government affairs for the Northwest Food Processors Association. “I don’t think there’s any new news here, except that when you lump it in a category with tobacco for instance, people want to equate those two risks.”

Tolleson said the report should be read cautiously by the public. He looked at the agency’s whole list of cancer-causing agents and pointed out estrogen replacement therapy for women going through menopause and X-rays.

The cancer research agency categorizes cancer risks for governments to use in crafting regulations and recommendations.

(SOURCE: OregonLive.com)

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