A third party emerges in Oregon?

Secretary of State will determine if the Independent Party can attain major-party status.

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The Oregon Secretary of State will determine Monday if the Independent Party has enough support to garner major-party status.

According to the Portland Tribune, the party has 534 more registered voters than the minimum — 109,273 — to be at the necessary level of 5 percent.

“Overwhelmingly, the people coming to the Independent Party are joining because they are frustrated by the polarization and hyperpartisanship that they are seeing in the Legislature and in our elections,” says Independent Party Secretary Sal Peralta.

The numbers will keep changing until Sunday, however, as new voters continue to register and existing voters change party affiliations. In addition, election laws allow voters to be removed from the list of active registered voters by county clerks if they have not voted in the past five elections or their last vote-by-mail ballot was returned as undeliverable.

(SOURCE: Portland Tribune)

The party is seeking candidates to register for the upcoming primary election.


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