State considers phased spending cuts

Senate President Peter Courtney says he will explore phased cuts in state spending that will maintain necessary services.

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Oregon Senate President Peter Courtney hopes that phased spending reductions over a series of months will help balance the state budget while maintaining essential programs.

Courtney offered a phased approach as an alternative to the governor’s plan to make a 9 percent spending cut at once.

The Salem Democrat said he would prefer that agency directors, the governor’s staff and lawmakers devise a plan before there is a special session of lawmakers — if there is a session — and anticipate what might happen in the next quarterly economic and revenue forecast due Aug. 26.

“I’m trying to figure out if the agencies are capable of getting through for a few more months and if the governor can stagger the reductions,” he said. “I’ll have a better read next week in terms of what it means for the allotment process (across-the-board cuts) and what the next forecast is going to look like.”

Read more at the Statesman Journal.

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