What I’m reading: Raghu Raghavan

0513 BOB WIR Raghavan 01Act-On CEO Raghu Raghavan shares what he’s reading.

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Act-On CEO Raghu Raghavan shares what he’s reading.

0513 BOB WIR Raghavan 01

Anthills of the Savannah By Chinua Achebe

“This book was written by a Nigerian author who recently passed away, and who previously wrote Things Fall Apart, a novel that moved me unbelievably. This is a very important book that resonates 25 years after it was written, with a military coup resulting in a dictatorship running a fictional West African country.”

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Lives of the Twelve Caesars By Suetonius

“Suetonius was a Roman historian who died in 130 A.D. I am a deeply interested student of Roman history, and this book contains intriguing personal details about these figures from a contemporary historian, e.g., Julius Caesar’s epileptic seizures. I am reading it for the second time around.”

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Act of Treason By Vince Flynn

“This book is a pure escapist fiction that falls under the genre of the TV show “24.” Very fast-paced and lots of gratuitous violence and quite predictable. It’s a great option for me to disengage my brain and wind down after a long day.”