Republican congress takes aim at Obama’s immigration policies

ASSOCIATED PRESS: The GOP contends the president’s executive actions were unconstitutional.

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ASSOCIATED PRESS: The GOP contends the president’s executive actions were unconstitutional.

“If in the future a Republican president does the same thing I will be the first to be here with you to stand against that to fight back,” said Rep. Mick Mulvaney, R-S.C. “Law is not made at the White House.”

Rep. Luis Guiterrez, D-Ill., accused Republicans of “viciousness” for trying to make it easier to deport immigrant brought to the U.S. as children. Rep. David Price, D-N.C., called the GOP effort “a political vendetta,” adding, “It’s a reprehensible, reckless tactic which will compromise, has already compromised, the full and effective functioning of our Homeland Security Department” at a time of heightened security risks.

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