State targets tax evaders

The state wants to collect 2007 income taxes from 66,000 Oregonians who did not pay.

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The state has found 66,000 Oregonians who did not pay their state income taxes in 2007 and owe $109 million collectively for that year alone.

Oregon Secretary of State Kate Brown wants to crack down on nonfilers by comparing records with the Internal Revenue Service and using more private collection firms, among other tactics.

Collecting unpaid taxes is particularly important, Brown said, “in an era where the state faces critical revenue shortfalls.”…

Based on past collection rates for unpaid taxes, the state could expect to collect about $54 million of the total within five years, according to the audits division, which is part of the Secretary of State’s Office.

Read the full story at The Register-Guard.

{biztweet}Oregon income tax Kate Brown{/biztweet}