Merkley seeks to overturn “Monsanto Protection Act”

New York Daily News: Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) is trying to introduce an amendment to the Senate farm bill removing protections granted in recent legislation to companies making generically-modified seeds, in particular Monsanto.

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New York Daily News: Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) is trying to introduce an amendment to the Senate farm bill removing protections granted in recent legislation to companies making generically-modified seeds, in particular Monsanto.

Anonymously slipped into a spending package in March that averted a government shutdown and signed into law by President Obama, the “farmer assurance provision” limits the ability of judges to stop Monsanto or the farmers it sells genetically modified seeds from growing or harvesting those crops even if courts find evidence of potential health risks.

“The Monsanto Protection Act is an outrageous example of a special interest loophole,” Merkley said in a press release. “This provision nullifies the actions of a court that is enforcing the law to protect farmers, the environment and public health. That is unacceptable.”

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