How much could alternative transportation methods save?

Ridesharing services could lower carbon emissions, save cities billions, a research organization reports.

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Ridesharing services could lower carbon emissions and save cities billions, a research organization reports.

The Smart Mobility report, conducted by Deloitte’s Public Sector Research organization, revealed that carpooling, bike commuting, carsharing and ridesharing services could be a boon financially for congested big cities.

From the Portland Business Journal:

For instance, ridesharing could save $30.3 billion for both individuals and cities looking to slash community costs. The strategy could also lower carbon emissions by 9.1 million metric tons annually. Bike commuting strategies could further save commuters and cities $27.6 billion annually and reduce carbon emissions by 5 million metric tons.

The report further detailed ways each strategy would work within different areas. For instance, carsharing works well in dense urban cores while on-demand ride services work well in underserved sections. Bike commuting can help both urban core and suburban commercial center neighborhoods.

Read the full report here.

In the Oregon House, lawmakers are working on a bill that would apply insurance restrictions to companies like Uber and Lyft.

The Portland Tribune reports:

House Bill 2995 also would set up a work group to be convened by Gov. Kate Brown to study the issue further and make recommendations by Jan. 13, ahead of the 2016 session. The new version is aimed at resolving a conflict between the new transportation network companies and taxicab companies, which pressed lawmakers for insurance requirements to apply to Uber and Lyft. The House Transportation Committee had moved the original bill to the Rules Committee without a recommendation.

“This is why we are at deadlock,” said Rep. Vic Gilliam of Silverton, the top Republican on the Rules Committee. “I seriously hope we can work this out, and I think we can get there.”



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