Cylvia Hayes sues Oregonian to block release of emails

The former governor’s fiancee disputes public records request made by state’s largest newspaper; Oracle mulls suing Kitzhaber and his top aide.

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The fiancee of former Gov. John Kitzhaber sues to prevent her emails from being released.

The Statesman Journal reports that Cylvia Hayes’ attorneys are arguing that she was not a public official — shielding her from the public records law — and that even it she was, releasing her emails would violate her 5th Amendment rights.

Finally, they argue that even if Hayes must disclose the emails, she is entitled to a “reasonable time” to review them and must be allowed to charge a fee for their disclosure.

The dispute between Hayes and the Oregonian began Jan. 29, when the newspaper requested “copies of all emails concerning state business sent or received by any email address (Ms. Hayes has) used since Jan. 1, 2011 … specifically all emails she has sent or received or been copied on that contain the acronym ‘FLO’ or ‘first lady’ â€”regardless of where they are currently stored.”

Meanwhile, Oracle is considering suing Kitzhaber and his top aide Mike Bonetto over the failed Cover Oregon program.

The Willamette Week’s Nigel Jaquiss reports on Oracle’s tort claim:

Oracle’s filings say it may sue the two because of their alleged role in deciding to abandon the work Oracle had done to create a website for Cover Oregon, the failed $305 million health insurance website. Oracle says that decision was made to help get Kitzhaber re-elected, rather than because it was the best policy outcome for Oregonians. 

Oracle this morning filed a lawsuit against five Kitzhaber campaign consultants, alleging they made decisions that harmed Oracle for Kitzhaber’s political benefit. Kitzhaber resigned Feb. 18 amid allegations of influence-peddling involving him and former first lady Cylvia Hayes.