Portland terminal operator complains of West Coast work stoppages

A 12-hour work stoppage Tuesday pushed ICTSI Oregon Inc.’s attorney to issue a statement condemning the labor strife.

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A 12-hour work stoppage Tuesday pushed ICTSI Oregon Inc.’s attorney to issue a statement condemning the labor strife.

The Portland Business Journal reported on the lawyer’s statement:

ICTSI Oregon Inc. said the International Longshore and Warehouse Union “escalated” efforts “far beyond what other West Coast ports are experiencing.” The accusations were made in a statement issued Wednesday by Michael Garone of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt PC, who’s ICTSI’s attorney.

“During the busy 2014 holiday season, ILWU engaged in approximately 36 work stoppages and slowdowns of various types and for varying durations,” ICTSI’s attorneys wrote. “Similar efforts, along with intentional labor shortages, have continued into the first month of 2015.”

This comes just days after it was reported that the terminal operators and the union were closing in on a resolution.

The Puget Sound Business Journal wrote about the hurdle the pair overcame.

The big-ticket winner: who will repair chassis, the truck beds used to transport shipping containers, said spokesman for the PMA Wade Gates. Gates couldn’t provide more details or discuss the nature of the agreement, but did confirm that chassis were no longer an issue.

Craig Merrilees, spokesman for the International Longshore and Warehouse Union, said he could not confirm any details regarding the negotiations.