Eastern Oregon cattlemen look to end wolf protections

The Umatilla County Cattleman’s Association would like rules limiting their ability to kill wolves taken out of effect.

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The Umatilla County Cattleman’s Association would like rules limiting their ability to kill wolves taken out of effect.

To date, the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife keeps tabs on nine known packs in the state’s northeast corner, including four packs in Umatilla County. It is likely the population will exceed four breeding pairs — producing at least two pups — for a third straight year, a milestone that would allow ODFW to at least consider removing wolves from the endangered species list.

The benchmark would also automatically trigger Phase II of the Wolf Management and Conservation Plan providing a few more tools to use lethal control against certain packs.

Read more at the East Oregonian.

And check out our OB original article on wolf tourism in Eastern Oregon.