Workers rally for job bills

Almost 400 workers turn out for a rally to push the Legislature to pass job bills.

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Almost 400 workers – mostly from the construction sector – rallied at the Capitol to push the Legislature to pass job-creation bills.

While union organizers were happy with the turnout, it doubled as a reminder of high unemployment.

“It’s a great turnout, but it’s also a sad commentary,” said Tom Chamberlain, president of the Oregon AFL-CIO. “One worker said he didn’t have anything else to do because he doesn’t have a job. A lot of these folks don’t have jobs. The message is: We are Priority One. If we have workers working, and we invest public dollars in infrastructure, we create a strong economy.”…

“All of us want to be employed,” said Kevin Jensen, business manager for Ironworkers Local 29 based in Portland. “It’s great that lawmakers extend unemployment benefits, but that’s not what we’re after. We’re after employment. So many projects are being held up by challenges.”

Read the full story at the Statesman Journal.

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