Governor Kitzhaber reenters Port of Portland chaos

The conflict between longshore workers and terminal operator ICTSI Oregon Inc. has many trucking companies levying surcharges.

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The conflict between longshore workers and terminal operator ICTSI Oregon Inc. has many trucking companies levying surcharges.

Gov. John Kitzhaber reentered the fray, asking the Port of Portland to seek an immediate independent review of the status of equipment in the beleaguered terminal. Longshore workers claim terminal operator ICTSI Oregon Inc. fails to provide enough working equipment to run the yard; others say longshoremen orchestrate the problem by “red-tagging”  machinery in good condition, sidelining it for repairs they conduct.

Whether blame rests with the longshore union or ICTSI or both, the conflict’s escalation could not come at a worse time for truckers, importers, exporters and other businesses that depend on the Port. Hanjin Shipping Co., already disenchanted with Portland for its chronic labor problems, is expected to announce any daywhether it will continue weekly transPacific calls that handle 78 percent of the Port’s container cargo.